Dear respondent,
we would like to invite you to complete the following survey examining the state of civic space for young people on behalf of your organisation or informal group of young people (only one response per organisation is needed). This research is conducted within the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership’s project: Research on democracy and youth civic space .
The focus of this survey is to assess the state of civic space of young people in Europe. The problem of shrinking civic space for young people is not new, since, increasingly hostile conditions for civil, political and social engagement of young people across the globe have presented barriers for youth and youth organisations, youth groups and movements to be an agent of social change.
Data confidentiality: all information acquired by this survey is considered confidential and thus protected in line with data protection standards. Results will be presented either in aggregate form or appropriately anonymised in order to prevent identification of an individual respondent organisation. Data privacy notice for this study is available here.
The survey will take approx. 30 minutes.
Thank you for your collaboration.
Gilda Isernia, Amy Stapleton, Tomaž Deželan (Pool of European Youth Researchers)
Lana Pasic, EU-CoE Youth Partnership (