

Dear Student,

The University of Ljubljana from Slovenia (with international academic partners) is carrying out its 2nd global survey 'Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Life of Higher Education Students'. The first survey was launched in May 2020, after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the second survey we are aiming at finding out the differences in students' perceptions of the situation during the second wave of the pandemic.


The questionnaire is based on an extended European Students’ Union survey (2020) and targets higher education students - on what student life looks like during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic, including teaching and learning, social contacts, as well as how students are coping with the situation emotionally.


Please, fill in this survey to help us understand the above aspects of your life. The participation in the study is completely voluntary and will also help us to create recommendations for policymakers and higher education institutions on how students can be supported in such crisis situations in different environments, such as economic, social, cultural, political and institutional.


It should take about 20 minutes to fill in the questionnaire divided to 8 sections. All answers are treated as anonymous. The collected data will be used for the purposes of the survey only. 

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Professor Aleksander Aristovnik, PhD, from University of Ljubljana: aleksander.aristovnik@fu.uni-lj.si. 
By clicking on the Next page I hereby certificate that:
•             I was informed on the voluntary and anonymous participation in this study.
•             I am at least 18 years old.
•             I am presently enrolled in a Higher Education Institution.
Deadline: 31 July 2021 
Thank you in advance for participating in this study!



In this part of the questionnaire we are interested in your socio-demographic and academic characteristics.

In which country do you study (in this semester)?

Please write the name of your institution/university (where you study in this semester).

(e.g. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration)

Is your institution public? 

Are you a citizen of the country in which you study?

Have you moved due to the COVID-19 pandemic (for example from student dorm to family home, etc.)?

Which of the characteristics below describes the area in which you live during the 2nd wave of the COVID-19 pandemic?

With whom are/were you spending your time during the lockdown?

What is your student status?

What level of study you are enrolled in?

Are you a freshman (i.e. student in the first year of Bachelor’s degree)?

Please indicate your main field of study.

How motivated are you to study during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How old are you (in years)?

What is your gender?


In this part of the questionnaire we are interested in finding out how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your experiences with teaching and administrative support as well as your performance and expectations.  

Did you have any experience with online learning (fully online or combination with on-site classes) before the COVID-19 pandemic?

Have your on-site classes (those taking place in the location/campus of your study institution) been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic?


Since on-site classes were cancelled, the organization of lectures had changed. Below, several different forms of online lectures are listed. Please assess your level of satisfaction with each form. If you have no experience with particular form, please select “Not applicable”.   

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Not applicable
Online in real-time (videoconference: Zoom, Skype, Teams, BigBlueButton, etc.)
Online with a video recording (not in real-time)
Online with an audio recording (not in real-time)
Online by sending presentations to students
Written communication (forums, chat, etc.)

Which of these forms of online lectures has been the most dominant?

Please select only one


Since on-site classes were cancelled, the organization of tutorials/seminars and practical classes had changed. Below, several different forms of online tutorials/seminars and practical classes are listed. Please assess your level of satisfaction with each form. If you have no experience with particular form, please select “Not applicable”.   

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Not applicable
Online in real-time (videoconference: Zoom, Skype, Teams, BigBlueButton, etc.)
Online with a video recording (not in real-time)
Online with an audio recording (not in real-time)
Online by sending presentations to students
Written communication (forums, chat, etc.)

Which of these forms of online tutorials/seminars and practical classes had been the most dominant?

Please select only one


Please rate your agreement with the following statements. Since on-site classes were cancelled, my lecturers:

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
have provided course assignments (e.g. readings, homework, quizzes) on a regular basis.
have provided feedback on my performance on given assignments.
have responded to my questions in a timely manner.
have been open to students’ suggestions and adjustments of online classes.
have informed me on what exams will look like in this new situation.

On average, compared to the workload before on-site classes were cancelled would you say that your study workload over the last weeks had been


Since on-site classes were cancelled, how satisfied had you been with the organization of:  

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Not applicable
tutorials/seminars and practical classes.

Since on-site classes were cancelled, how satisfied had you been with support of:  

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Not applicable
teaching staff.
technical support or IT services.
student affairs office.
finance and accounting.
international office.
public relations (websites and social media information).
student counseling services.


In view of the changed teaching and learning environment, to what extent do you agree with the following statements.  

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
It is more difficult for me to focus during online teaching in comparison to on-site teaching.
My performance as a student has improved since on-site classes were cancelled.
My performance as a student has worsen since on-site classes were cancelled.
I have adapted well to the new teaching and learning experience.
I can master the skills taught in class this year even on-site classes were cancelled.
I can figure out how to do the most difficult classwork since on-site classes were cancelled.


In this part of the questionnaire, we are interested in whether you had the conditions to study from home.

Did you have access to the following?  

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
A quiet place to study
A desk
A computer
Required software and programmes
A printer
Headphones and microphone
Office supplies (notebooks, pens, etc.)
A good internet connection
Course study material (e.g. compulsory and recommended literature)
Faculty/university library

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your computer skills. I am confident in:

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
browsing online information.
sharing digital content.
using online teaching platforms (BigBlueButton, Moodle, Blackboard, GoToMeeting, etc.).
using online collaboration platforms (Zoom, MS Teams, Skype, etc.).
using online communication platforms (e-mail, messaging, etc.).
using software and programmes required for my studies.
applying advanced settings to some software and programmes.


In this part of the questionnaire we are interested in finding out about your support network during the COVID-19 crisis.  

How often had you communicated online with the following people since the COVID-19 pandemic?  

Not at all Two or three times a month Once a week Several times a week Once a day Several times a day Not applicable
Close family member
More distant family member
Close friend
Someone I live with (e.g. roommate)
Colleague from my course
Administrative staff
Voluntary organizations
Social networks
Partner (girlfriend/boyfriend)

For each of the following situations, please select who you would turn to first. If there are several people you are equally likely to turn to, please select the one you feel closest to. Who would you turn to first?

Close family member More distant family member Close friend Someone I live with (e.g. roommate) Neighbours Colleague from my course Lecturer Administrative staff Voluntary organizations Social networks Partner No one
Help you around your home if you were sick and had to stay in bed for a few days.
Be there for you if you felt a bit down or depressed and wanted to talk about it.
Talk about problems related to studying issues (lectures, seminars, practical work).
Talk about problems related to future education.
Talk about problems related to personal finances.
Talk about problems related to family and relationships.
Talk about problems related to professional career in the future.
Be there for you if you would like to talk about the COVID-19 crisis.


In this part of the questionnaire we are interested in finding out how you had been feeling since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Please rate to what extent had you been affected emotionally while attending your classes and studying and preparing for them remotely during the outbreak of COVID-19 in your country.  

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always


In this part of the questionnaire we are interested in finding out whether you had some life circumstances (general and financial) that you were worried about in the context of your student life and what was your opinion regarding the support measures and changes made in behaviour since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.  


How often did you have worries about the following personal circumstances?

A little of the time Some of the time A good part of the time Most of the time All of the time
Personal physical health
Personal mental health
Studying issues (lectures, seminars, practical work)
Future education
Personal finances
Family and relationship
Professional career in the future
COVID-19 or similar pandemic crisis in the future
Leisure activities (sports and cultural activities, parties, hanging out with friends, etc.) 
Traveling abroad
Getting seriously ill due to COVID infection
A person close to me (my family member or close friend) getting seriously ill due to COVID infection
Collapse of healthcare system
Getting (re)infected with COVID-19


How could you describe your family income status?

When you take into account your total monthly disposable income (before COVID-19 pandemic) would you say that you could have paid the overall costs of your study (including livingcosts such as accommodation etc.)?  

Have you had a paid job during the current academic year or were you planning on having a paid job during the current academic year?

Has this paid job been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?

What are your plans for near future after the COVID-19 pandemic?

Did you pay tuition fees?

Do you receive a scholarship for your studies?


Please assess your satisfaction level in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic of the following institutions and groups.

Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Not applicable
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)(e.g. students unions, human rights associations, humanitarian associations etc.)
Media (TV, internet, newspapers, etc.)

Please assess the frequency of your habits before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic During the COVID-19 pandemic
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Washing your hands
Leaving the house for unnecessary reasons
Avoided crowds and large gatherings
Avoided touching your face
Shaking hands
Stocked up on essentials at pharmacy and grocery store
Made a plan for communicating with family friends and neighbours
Cancelled travel
Filled prescriptions
Worked from home
Avoiding public transport
Wearing a mask outside
Offering help to people
Online grocery shopping
Recreation or workout
Visiting family members or friends
Arguing with other household members
Drinking alcohol


Have you been tested positive on COVID-19 test? What was the result?

How severe were your symptoms?

Do you know anyone in your personal network that was or currently is infected with COVID-19?

How severe were the symptoms of that person? (If you know multiple persons that were infected by COVID-19, please describe the symptoms of the person that was most severely infected)

If there were a vaccine that protected you from getting the coronavirus, how likely, if at all, would you be to decide to be vaccinated?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
The virus that causes COVID-19 was created in a laboratory.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are connected to 5G mobile network radiation.
The COVID-19 pandemic was planned by certain pharmaceutical corporations and government agencies.
There is no hard evidence that coronavirus really exists.
The number of people reported as dying from coronavirus is being deliberately exaggerated by the authorities.
The current pandemic is part of a global effort to force everyone to be vaccinated whether they want to or not.


In this part of the questionnaire we are interested in your general reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Can you share some general views/words of your reflection on Covid-19?

If you would like to receive the results of the survey, please leave your e-mail:

(e.g. john@gmail.com)

Thank you once again for completing this questionnaire!

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